On September 14, 2017, I previously posted an article concerning the restoring of the Claimant Query System (CQS) by OWCP. This program was going to allow the claimant to log in to view information on case status, compensation payments and compensation claims tracking. Unfortunately, spoke to so, the program was never put in place.

Now OWCP has announced a new eFile/eServe System (“EFS”) on Monday, December 7, 2020. It appears that if the Injured Worker (IW) goes on-line at eCOMP and registers (creating an account) the individual can then have a “Dashboard” giving them access to all of their cases. This access to each existing injury/illness claim the IW can be found in the Cases tab of the Dashboard. By clicking anywhere in the row of an injury/illness claims in the Dashboard, the IW can:

  • Finish filing any injury/illness claims that are in Draft status.
  • View case details including the injury claim information; forms associated with the case; claim status; compensation payment tracking; compensation payment history; and from within the payment period details you may also access the compensation amount, health benefit and life insurance details, payee information, and the formula for compensation. You can also access additional billing information through the "Bill Pay Inquiry" link. Pharmacy information is available through the "Pharmacy Benefit" link.
  • File associated claim forms, such as a CA-7 Claim for Compensation, using the "New Case Form" drop down button within the Forms tab of the Case Review page.
  • Review and respond to case letters and requests for information. If OWCP needs information to process your claim, the request letter will appear in the Response Required tab. If the request is overdue it will appear in the Overdue Request tab. If you do not respond to these items, your entitlement to benefits may be delayed or suspended. Letters that are informative and require no response appear in the Informational Letters tab.

Being able to see and/or review compensation payment history, additional bill payment information and letters released by the Claims Examiner (CE) and responses by the Employing Agency (EA) are available for review and response. The EA, IW and the CE can correspond via this system by uploading responses and documents. The problem is that there is no place for an authorized representative to access a clients’ cases, unless the client goes online, registers and provides the authorized representative the username and password used to register.