A lot of the doctor's office still request pre-authorization. What I have found out is they ask for authorization for MRIs and therapy from OWCP. Many times, OWCP will ignore it because pre-authorization is not required. If they ask for pre-authorization of an initial doctor's visit on a new injury it just gives OWCP the chance to say “no” even though legally the claimant has the initial selection of physician for a new injury and pre-authorization is not required.


Services which meet the statutory criteria of being "likely to cure, give relief, reduce the degree or the period of disability, or aid in lessening the amount of the monthly compensation" may be authorized. For any orthopedic or neurological condition, physical therapy for a period of 90 days may be authorized if prescribed by the attending physician. Any therapy in excess of 90 days requires additional medical justification. For a list of treatments that can provided or need further authorization see FECA PM Ch. 3-0400(5).


In reference to diagnostic testing these procedures are used to determine the exact nature and extent of the claimant's condition. Such assessments often clarify medical status and may save the claimant additional pain and time loss from work. If a diagnostic procedure such as an MRI, CAT scan, or arthroscopy pertains to the accepted condition, the request should not routinely be developed. Even in the case of arthroscopy, the diagnostic nature of the test should take priority over its surgical nature when authorization is at issue, and the procedure should usually be authorized and paid for without further investigation in a case involving injury to the knee. For many conditions, a standard sequence for such tests exists. For example, an initial x-ray may be followed by a CAT scan or MRI if needed.


If a doctor's office has any question as to what is authorized without further development they need to logs into https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fowcpmed.dol.gov&c=E,1,MqeHF0j49CDIbfpj3XZmtnnNmo0VFlw5lKC6L5uFh4Tv0rn2Ei0simJGO4SPgte6YMjaqMB-tMrRHJK6y_CvxAEh4TbL5yxZ2orZdGSnSyD-i0w,&typo=1 there
is a screen that tells them what is automatically authorized.